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dc.contributor.authorLetelier Torres, Patricio 
dc.contributor.authorRamos Salavert, Isidro 
dc.contributor.authorCorchuelo Gil, Rafael
dc.identifier.citationLETELIER TORRES, Patricio; SÁNCHEZ PALMA, Pedro y RAMOS SALAVERT, Isidro. Animation of conceptuals models using two concurrent environments: an overview. En: IMACS/IEEE International Multiconference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (3º: 1999: Atenas) 1999. ISBN 960-8052-02-5es
dc.description.abstractOasis is a formal approach for especification of object oriented conceptual models. In OASIS conceptual schemas of information systems are represented as societies of interacting concurrent objects. Animating such models in order to valide the specification of information system is a topic of interest in requirements engineering. Concurrent Logic Programming and Petri nets are suitable models for distributed computation allowing a natural representation of concurrence. Using Concurrent Logic Programming or Petri Nets, OASIS specifications are animated according to OASIS execution model. In this paper, we show our work in translating OASIS concepts into concurrents enviroments. This work has been development in the context of a CASE tool supporting the OASIS approach our aim is to build a module for animations. A preliminary version of this module is
dc.description.sponsorshipThis research is supported by the "Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología" (CICYT) through the MENHIR proyect (grant nº TIC97-0593-C05-01es
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España
dc.titleAnimation of conceptuals models using two concurrent environments: an overviewes
dc.subject.otherLenguajes y Sistemas Informáticoses
dc.subjectEspecificaciones formaleses
dc.subjectAnimación de especificacioneses
dc.subjectModelos orientados al objetoes

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