%0 Journal Article %A Sánchez Hernández, David Agapito %T Dual band printed antenna %D 2009 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10317/1061 %X The antenna has a dielectric substrate layer whose front side presents a patch antenna fed by a microstrip line stretch and whose back side presents an Earth reference. This patch has the shape of an isosceles triangle which connects one vertex to the stretch, while in parallel to the opposite side of the vertex, there is a slot in the patch operating like a filter. This enables a dual band operation wherein two resonant frequencies are controlled by the variation of the patch size and the slot length. The frequencies can be adjusted to values of 900 and 1800 MHz, facilitating the application of the antenna in dual mobile telephony with GSM and DCS-1800 systems. With this technological offer we try to collaborate with licence agreement and commercial agreement with technical assistance. %K Teoría de la Señal y las Comunicaciones %K Electromagnetismo %K Microondas %K Radiocomunicaciones %K Comunicación móvil %K Cálculo numérico %K Tasa de absorción específica %K Telecomunicación %K Permitividad compleja %K Compatibilidad electromagnética %K Electromagnetism %K Microwave %K Radiocommunication %K Mobile communication %K Numerical calculation %K Specific absorption rate %K Telecommunication %K Complex permittivity %K Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) %K Tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones. %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN